How to uninstall Lands Design?
You can easily uninstall the program from the Windows control panel like any other program.
ccasionally, you may have an uninstallation problem, which is usually fixed by running the Microsoft Install/Uninstall troubleshooter:
If it’s not fixed, you can try using the exact .msi file. You need to know the exact version number you have installed. You can check it in the list of programs to add/remove in Windows. You can also find it in the properties of the binary files, for example:
C:\Program Files\Lands Design (AutoCAD)\Bin\launcher.exe Or in C:\Program Files\Lands Design (Rhino)\Bin\launcher.exe
Right-click on the file and you’ll see the version under the details tab, in the format: 5.x.x.xxxx
If you tried the above solutions without success, the next solution is to try to launch the .msi installer (msiexec) with admin rights. If you have this problem, contact us for the steps to follow.