Lands Design doesn’t load on AutoCAD

LT versions don’t load Lands:
Make sure you are not trying to run Lands Design on AutoCAD LT. This AutoCAD version doesn’t load third-party plug-ins, and therefore Lands Design can’t run on it

Keep Lands Design updated:
Some former Lands Design updates may not work on the most recent versions of AutoCAD. Make sure you have installed the latest update:

Use the Lands Design launcher icon:
Try to run AutoCAD from the Lands icon on the desktop at least for the first time after having installed it. If that doesn’t work, keep reading.

Run the “_lands” command in AutoCAD:
This will check if Lands Design is loaded. If it is loaded but you cannot see the toolbar, run _laReloadMenu.

Load Lands Design manually:

  1. Open AutoCAD
  2. Open the Windows Explorer and go to the following folder: “C:\Program Files\Lands Design (AutoCAD)\Bin“.
  3. Find the corresponding .arx file according to your AutoCAD’s version:
    • AutoCAD 2015-2016 -> lands20x.arx
    • AutoCAD 2017 -> lands21x.arx
    • AutoCAD 2018 -> lands22x.arx
    • AutoCAD 2019-2020 ->lands23x.arx
    • AutoCAD 2021-2022 -> lands24x.arx
  4. Drag this file into AutoCAD’s window. Lands Design will load and get registered for that AutoCAD version