In the ever-evolving realm of landscape architecture, the integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology has emerged as a transformative force. BIM offers a...
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Revolutionizing Landscape Architecture with Seamless Lidar Integration
In the ever-evolving field of landscape architecture, precision and efficiency are paramount. We are thrilled to introduce Vision Lidar, a game-changing solution tailored to...
Generative design in landscape architecture
Introduction to Generative Design Generative design is a cutting-edge approach to problem-solving and product design that utilizes algorithms and computational power to generate...
Moving Beyond 2D Renderings in Architectural Studios
Architectural studios often rely solely on 2D renderings for landscape design, missing out on the benefits of dedicated tools like Lands Design. This article emphasizes the advantages of incorporating Lands Design into the workflow. By utilizing Lands Design, architects can achieve higher realism and accuracy in their landscape representations, thanks to specialized tools and seamless integration with BIM software. The software streamlines the design process, saves time and costs, and enables better collaboration between architectural and landscape design phases. Case studies highlight the transformative impact of Lands Design, urging architectural studios to unlock the full potential of landscape design.
How to render you landscape project with Twinmotion
We illustrate the process of synchronizing a Lands Design project from Rhino to Twinmotion using the Datasmith plugin.
Why Lands Design is a good landscape complement for Revit
Lands Design is a great solution for topography and landscape design for Revit users. Here we explain the process of importing the BIM landscape model into Revit with some clicks
Lands Design 5.6 released! 8000 plant species & IFC support
Lands Design 5.6 is now available for download! This new version fixes all known bugs and comes with 2 major new features: an expanded plant database and support to IFC files....